Circulation Booster

Using the Circulation Boosters

The Circulation Boosters are are range of products that are alleged to boost the circulation to the foot and leg. They provide a stimulus to make the muscles contract. This muscle contraction acts as a pump is supposed to improve the circulation. There is discussion if they can actually do this. The products do have a number of celebrity endorsements and not a lot of published scientific evidence that stacks up to analysis that supports them. The circulation boosters do tend help a lot of people and there are a lot of testimonials that they help, but that may be for other reasons than improving the circulation.


Bestseller No. 1
New Revitive Medic Circulation Booster | Fight Leg Aches & Pains and Swelling | Drug-Free Relief from Persistent Foot/Leg Problems & Body Aches
  • DESIGNED TO RELIEVE: Acute leg and foot pain, persistently swollen feet and ankles, muscle cramping, spasms, and stiffness. Revitive Medic additionally assists with improving overall leg muscle strength with continued use as directed. Revitive Medic is also suitable for people with medical conditions or diseases associated with poor circulation
  • HOW IT WORKS: Revitive Medic is a Medical Device that uses advanced Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology to help alleviate foot and leg circulation pain while eliciting muscle contraction. This brings rich oxygenated blood to the legs and feet to provide relief
Bestseller No. 3
NEW | Revitive ProHealth Circulation Booster - Relief for Occasional Tired Legs and Feet
  • DESIGNED TO RELIEVE: Tired aching heavy-feeling legs and feet with or without occasional foot and ankle swelling while actively improving blood circulation.
  • HOW IT WORKS: Revitive ProHealth is a Medical Device that uses advanced Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology to help alleviate foot and lower leg circulation pain while eliciting muscle contraction. This brings rich oxygenated blood to the lower legs and feet to provide relief of occasional symptoms
Bestseller No. 4
REVITIVE Medic (2016 Edition) - Relieve Foot Ache and Leg Pains, One Color, 1 Count (Pack of 1)
  • CLINICALLY TESTED PATENTED TECHNOLOGY TO INCREASE CIRCULATION: The REVITIVE Circulation Booster has the original ISOrocker system and 15 variable waveforms, including the patented wide waveform. REVITIVE Medic (2016 Edition) uses patented ELECTRICAL MUSCLE STIMULATION (EMS) and the patented ISORocker to increase oxygen-rich blood to your muscles which contract to build stronger muscle strength. Also FDA cleared to help relieve aches and pains. The REVITIVE Circulation Boosters is your drug-free pain relief.
  • JUST 30MINS A DAY FOR 6-8 WEEKS TO GET YOU WALKING LONGER AND FURTHER: Simply place your bare feet on the foot-pads, start at a low intensity and build up the pulses until you can feel your muscles contract. The contraction gets oxygen-rich blood pumping through your legs relieving your aches and pains. Once more the patented IsoRocker will increase the blood flow with the heel-to-calf rocking movement. Do this daily for 30mins and you'll be relieving your leg aches and foot pains in 6-8 weeks.Reduce cramps
Bestseller No. 5
REVITIVE Medic Circulation Booster - Award Winning, Clinically Proven and Patented Technology cleared by The FDA - Gets You Moving Again by Relieving Leg Aches and Pains
  • AWARD-WINNING CIRCULATION BOOSTER CLINICALLY PROVEN TO WORK: Developed & tested by world-leading vascular surgeons and physical therapists at British universities & hospitals, Revitive is the only Circulation Booster with device-specific clinical evidence, proven to work. Winner of the world-renowed Red Dot design award, the Medic combines patented Stimulation Waveforms and an IsoRocker to work muscles in your feet & lower legs, increasing fresh blood flow & relieving leg aches and pains.
  • PATENTED TECHNOLOGY - SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE: Wide-Pulse Waveforms - A patented sequence of Muscle Stimulation Waveforms gives bigger & stronger leg muscle contractions, improving blood circulation by pumping oxygen-rich blood & nutrients in your legs & feet to get you walking again. IsoRocker System with the max 20˚ IsoRocker movement for unrivalled foot and ankle movement and heel raise - the leg muscles contract and relax causing the device to rock, replicating heel calf raise exercises.

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